Steven Lau
647 271 7888
Unit 382,
Oriental Centre東方廣場,
4438 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough M1S 5V9 Ontario, Canada
Master Lau / Sifu Steven has been focusing on the study of ancient Chinese Geomancy and Feng Shui since the 1980s.
He has provided professional advice to numerous businesses and individuals in Hong Kong and mainland China.
He graduated from Shenzhen University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics。He also studied Civil Engineering at United College in Hong Kong.
2003: Master Lau established his geomancy consulting firm in Toronto. For the past 14 years, he has been an active advisor in the community, passionately guiding others with professional and objective advice. Areas of practice include life destiny analysis, Feng Shui design and layout, metaphysics, luck and wealth improvement and overcoming obstacles to improve life.
Media: Interviewed numerous times on the radio 1430 AM, Canadian Chinese Radio. Appeared as a frequent guest on NOW TV & OMNI TV.
Speaking Engagements: Invited as a recurring keynote speaker to various Lunar New Year performances to discuss the yearly projections.
Teachings: Master Lau has conducted various teaching sessions at the Toronto Chinese Cultural Center and to many private groups. He has taught a series of Feng Shui and numerology courses to interested students enrolled in the program.
Seminars: He held a series of seminars with Markham Centre Realty Inc. Brokerage, advising real estate agents, landlords, homeowners and tenants on a variety of Feng Shui related real estate topics: Neighborhood & home selection, analysis of interior layouts& home selection, interior décor, how to use Feng Shui to increase overall fortune, how to remedy bad Feng Shui, etc.
劉大師(Steven Lau)自80年代開始,一直以來,專注研究中國古代的玄學與風水學,其間在香港,中國大陸為許多工商企業和個人的需要,提供風水,命理的專業意見。
2003年:劉大師在多倫多成立(乾坤子)風水命理顧問公司。在過去14年來,他一直以顧問身份熱心參與社區及個人企業活動,透過講解及指導,對有興趣和有需要的人仕作出專業和客觀的意見。包括“知命改運及風水設計,風水佈局等玄學力量”助人 "趨吉避凶,催財化煞",從而渡過難關,改善命運。
聯合研討會:與Markham Center Realty Inc. 舉辦一系列研討會。在會內,劉大師為房地產經紀,業主和租戶,分享及提供各種"房、地、屋"與現今經濟學為主題,再結合玄學理論的知識,更從玄學的角度,分析"地運,室外環境,樓宇坐向,室內佈局"等,如何選取"旺丁旺財"的富貴屋。有關室內裝修又如何利用風水學提升宅內成員的整體運勢。等等。